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For children:
Lectures with live music and Concerts with concept

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For this moment we have an active page about lectures in Russian and Hebrew.
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Dear listeners!
Our lectures and concerts will introduce you to a musical tradition of the last three centuries and with the trends and musical techniques of making music today.
We will explore composition, performance, listening, social environment relating to specific theme in musical history. We will talk about challenges during making music together as well.
The lectures are accompanied by our playing and multimedia, the concerts - by stories
about music and the people who create it.
There are some examples:
” Interpretations, misunderstandings, laughter while making music”,
“Concerto: competition or harmony?”,
” Behind the scenes of the orchestra's life”,
” 7 Tips for Understanding Classical Music" and many more.
There are some popular lectures-concerts for children as well: “Humor in music”,
"Schecherazade and tales of 1001 nights in music",
” Carnival of animals - imitations and smiles of Saint-Saëns,
“A fun journey into the world of orchestra” etc.
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